Confession #1: I'm pretty much obsessed. With Pioneer Woman, that is.
How did she get so cool?!?! I mean seriously, people. How can ONE person have that many talents all to herself? Share the love here, please! Of course I want to be her. And live in her lodge. And eat her food. And ride her horses. C'mon, who doesn't?
Confession #2: I love The Biggest Loser reality show. I'm totally into it. Just in case you didn't know, I am really NOT the type of person to follow a bunch of shows with crazy intense drama queens with "reality" that is so staged it's stupid. But I admit I do make a few exceptions. One of which is The Biggest Loser (maybe you'll find out my other exceptions on a later post...). There are several reasons why I like this show. Without going into every single one, I'll let you in on one biggie: Jillian Michaels.
Yeah, she's tough. Yeah, she's mean. Yeah, she's BUFF. And I love it. I kind of want to be her (minus the profanity, of course). Actually, I think I could be her if I ever figure out how to get rid of my insecurities. I think there is a little Jillian lurking beneath this skin of mine...
So moral of the story, I want to be PW + JM. Is that even possible?
But that's totally a random tangent. Back to PW. Did I happen to mention she's an AWESOME self taught photographer. I know, really. It makes me sick too. :) She posts really cool photography tutorials, giveaways, etc. on her blog all the time. I love browsing and playing with the cool stuff I learn over yonder (just working on my country drawl here). Here is one of PW's actions in ACTION! I use Photoshop Elements which doesn't exactly support actions, but it does let me play around with things to create the same effect. Thanks to PW, again, I was able to work it on these two photos here. Check out the befores and afters.
After (using PW's Fresh and Colorful Action)
I'm addicted too Paige, that's one of the shows I actually record if I know I'm going to miss it. But I don't like Jillian, I just love watching the "contestant's" lives transform. Glad that lady whose family died is gone, as much as I loved her, I couldn't look at her without bawling.