Here's a photo I took a few nights ago on the hill behind my house. It's a great little escape from the busy southern California metropolis below. Despite having a tired baby strapped to my front, I like how this one turned out.
Hey, I was just reading Me ra's blog, did you win the contest for the April Confidence workshop in Cali?? If so, I'm so excited for you! She's awesome and I got to meet her at one of her free Sony Style mini-workshops, so you're in for a treat! :) Well, it's got to be you..."hardship begets growth". :) I can't wait to see what you learn!
Gorgeous picture! What are the flowers in the background?
ReplyDeleteThose are cactus, cacti?, cactuses?
ReplyDeleteI like it. It makes me feel warm.
ReplyDeleteHey Paige,
ReplyDeletewe'd love an invite. our email address is love your pictures!
Hey, I was just reading Me ra's blog, did you win the contest for the April Confidence workshop in Cali?? If so, I'm so excited for you! She's awesome and I got to meet her at one of her free Sony Style mini-workshops, so you're in for a treat! :) Well, it's got to be you..."hardship begets growth". :) I can't wait to see what you learn!