Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Strawberry picking, and the like.

My sister came for a visit last week with her cute family and I was able to get some shots of her kiddos, along with more shots of mine. Of course. I can't help it.

There are a bunch of photos sitting on my computer waiting for me to come out and play. Too bad I've been busy rescuing my daughter from her big brother. Seriously. Like saving her life. Multiple times. Ugh...big brothers...

Here are a couple big brothers looking sweet for the camera (you don't fool me, boys!).


  1. i can't help it either!!! It's a compulsion. Every time I pull out the camera Kevin gives me this look, the you're-taking-MORE-pictures look?! he'll be grateful one day:)

  2. Paige I love your pictures and the commentary is precious. Please make a book of these for me someday. Each is unique and so real. I laugh as I read and see those sweet faces and picture you saving ALta's or Eli's life.

  3. OH I want to be picking strawberries - yum! The one of Colton is composed very sweetly - love it!
