Thursday, April 15, 2010

A favorite

This is my photoshopped favorite right now. Although, truth is, I only did three and now you've seen two of them. So I guess favorite isn't saying a whole lot.

Oh, and I know I need some new subjects for my photos. Believe it or not, I'm starting to get bored with my regulars, too. Not that I don't like looking at their beautiful faces, I just want something new. I think I'm going to go hire a full-time nanny tomorrow and just start taking photos of everything I see. Oh wait. I can't do that. Nevermind.


  1. she is the prettiest little baby!

  2. I love that photo! I'm excited to come so you can use my kids as your newest subjects!

  3. Paige...that is the most beautiful picture ever!! You could make money on that one and then hire your Nanny....oh fly here and I will be your Nanny for free!! I'll even give YOU dinner. :) Win, win.

  4. So what did you do to that photo? Just change the tint and contrast? I'm just so curious to know what your regular "fixes" are...
