Friday, October 16, 2009

So what do you think about these photos WITH the textures?
(See below for the befores of the photos)

I think it's kind of cool. Gives it even MORE of that by-gone era feeling.


  1. I like the texture. Cool pics. So when are you going to do a real photoshoot?

  2. I liked the sand one better, but not the grass one. It looked too forced on that one... like the photographers that are trying too hard to use any cool effect known to man. But the sand one was really cool-- you're right, it looked more like an old photograph-- maybe the earthy-ness of sand; the fact that sand has that kind of texture, made me like it better. It's like by looking at the picture, I also feel like I'm walking in sand.

  3. Meg, I totally agree with you and feel exactly the same way. :) Thanks for your feedback!

    And Stef, soon. I'm going to do a "real" photoshoot (I think you mean outside my own family) soon. Honestly, I'm a little nervous, but any volunteers?

  4. How about K & I at the Ro-dee-o! I'll be sporting my sweet cowboy hat... too bad we don't have kids yet, but hey---

    And I'm sure there will be plenty of photo ops at Christmas-- you ARE coming, right?

  5. justin here: nice work, p. your enhancements on those beach shots look great. one of our friends here runs a little business and has a small studio in her basement . . .
